Lawrence Davis Training Group Pty Ltd (LDTG) Privacy Policy has been developed and implemented to clearly outline the measures and processes that LDTG has carefully designed regarding the collection, storage and use of personal and/or confidential information. This information may pertain to LDTG’s clients, participants, staff and general operations.
Legislative Requirements
This Privacy Policy has been developed to meet the requirements of the following Acts of legislation, regulations and standards, as a minimum:
Privacy Act 1988
Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012
Privacy Regulation 2013
National VET Regulator Act 2011
Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations
LDTG is committed to adhering to the requirements of the above named legislation and to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our stakeholders.
Collection of Personal Information
As a registered training organisation (RTO), LDTG is required to collect personal information from its participants and clients. This personal information includes, but may not be limited to:
Date of Birth
Contact details, including address, phone numbers and email address
Details of current employment (including company name, contact details and supervisor/manager name)
Demographic data (including previous schooling and study history, disability, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, language,literacy and numeracy skills, country of birth)
Credit card details (where a student elects to pay fees by credit card)
LDTG may also collect details related to an organisation that employs participants.
Information collected from these organisations may include, but is not limited to:
Company name
Location and address
Contact details
Manager/supervisor name and direct contact details
Credit card details (if the organisation elects to pay fees by credit card
LDTG collects this information in the Participant Enrolment Form and Client Services Agreement. Details may also be provided to LDTG by email, verbally or by fax.
LDTG is authorised and required to collect this information under the legislation, regulations and standards listed above.
Storage of Personal Information
All information collected from participants and employing organisations is stored securely in LDTG’s data systems. Data is entered into and stored in our systems, which include Wisenet (participant records management database), Microsoft Outlook and the LDTG computer network.
The Wisenet program and data is hosted by MyWisenet Information Systems Pty Ltd. As such, MyWisenet Information Systems Pty Ltd has access to data stored in LDTG’s Wisenet Participant Records Management database. The MyWisenet Information Systems Pty Ltd Privacy Policy (accessible at has been carefully reviewed by LDTG personnel and has been determined to be secure and reasonable.
LDTG’s computer network and all data included is regularly backed up to an external hard drive.
Each participant file is created for an individual only and, where possible, does not include details related to another client or participant.
Access to Personal Information
All data stored in LDTG’s systems is accessible by LDTG management, staff and contractors.
Data is also accessible by the external hosting companies listed above.
A participant may access their own file and details. Access is gained by requesting the file from an LDTG staff member and providing proof of identification, such as a Driver’s Licence.
Use of Personal Information
LDTG utilises the personal information of staff, clients and participants in varied ways.
Clients and participants may be sent notices, surveys or invitations via their email address.
Publication of Information
No information collected by LDTG is made publicly available.
Disclosure of Personal Information
As required by the National VET Regulator Act 2011 and the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations, LDTG is required to report all collected data from participants to government departments or agencies, which includes the National Council for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). All participant data may be made available to ASQA during the process of ASQA auditing LDTG as a Registered Training Organisation.
Participant data may also be reported to government departments which provide funding to LDTG for the delivery of training courses. These departments include the NSW Department of Education and Communities.
Participant data that may be supplied or reported includes:
Date of Birth
Contact details, including address, phone numbers and email address
Details of current employment (including company name, contact details and supervisor/manager name)
Demographic data (including previous schooling and study history, disability, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, language,literacy and numeracy skills, country of birth
Course enrolled into, including start date, location and end date
Units of competency undertaken and the outcomes achieved for each
Certificates and/or Statements of Attainment issued
Credit card details are not supplied or reported to external agencies or bodies.
Contact details (or any other collected data) of a participant is not supplied to any other LDTG client or participant.
Participants and clients may be required to verify their identity when contacting LDTG.
Disclosure Required by Law
Aside from legislated and/or regulated reporting requirements outlined above, LDTG may be required to disclose personal information of its clients and participants in the event that it is subpoenaed to by a court that has jurisdictional rights. Details may also be supplied to emergency services and authorities in the event of an emergency or criminal situation.
Retention of Personal Information in Records
Personal information collected and stored by LDTG is required to be retained for varying lengths of time.
Details of payments made by and to LDTG are required to be retained for a minimum of seven (7) years as per rulings from the Australian Taxation Office. This data may include invoice number, date, items invoiced, invoice and payment amounts, payment methods (including credit card and cheque details) and payment date.
Records of participant participation and achievement are required to be retained for a period of at least thirty (30) years. This data includes the Participant Data listed above in the section titled Disclosure of Personal Information.
Updating your Personal Information
As a participant of LDTG, it is important that LDTG has your current personal information on file in the event that we need to be in contact with you. Should your details change throughout your training program, contact the LDTG office or assigned trainer to provide details.